Sales and Promotions for Pornsites

Increasing Sales with Video Payment Solutions

Explore the benefits of video payment solutions and learn how to increase your sales and revenue with payment features tailored to your video platform in this content.

Pormos and Sales

Pormos and Sales

Have a Sale
Adult Website credt cards

Adult Website credt cards

There are different strategies you can try for promoting your porn business and increasing sales. There are two main philosophies when it comes to sales - always having a sale offer or never running sales. Choose the strategy that fits best with your porn brand and objectives. If you go the sales route, holidays are a good time to have sales because they are when consumers are looking for them.

Porn Is Seasonal
Pornsite payments

Pornsite payments

There are some seasonal trends in porn. In the adult industry, summertime is the slow season and winter is the busy season. There is less daylight, less outdoor activity, and more indoor activity during the winter, which means the demand is higher for porn. This data is confirmed by studies of users in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Another strategy is to re-up on the comeback. If you run a promotion (or even if you don’t), get the users’ permission to email. You never know when a former customer might be interested in buying access again. Send them emails to invite them back. You can even have a regular newsletter and shoot out email blasts to notify subscribers of your latest videos and most popular content, as well as any promotions or sales that you’re running.
