Adult website hosting is the platform you use to host your videos and content. When you buy a domain name, you need a hosting service to put your content on. A web hosting service usually provides a server with storage space that runs off Linux although some may offer a Windows environment. On top of the operating system, the hosting provider may provide a variety of management tools to manage your storage space. These tools Include:
Hosting Storage
![Hosting Storage Adult Content host]()
Adult Content host
Disk Space - What are you shooting in? If you have 4K videos thats going to add up, you may want to check the costs of disk space
Hosting Bandwith
![Hosting Bandwith Adult Website host]()
Adult Website host
Bandwidth - Dont become a victim of your own success, check your hosting options in terms of pricing for usage and downloads
Hosting Security
![Hosting Security Pornsite host]()
Pornsite host
Security - If you have no idea what a firewall is, then having a host that knows how to secure your system is important.
Hosting Support
![Hosting Support Adult Content host]()
Adult Content host
Support - Do you need 24/7 support or just an occational handholding, Different hosts have different options
Hosting Backup
![Hosting Backup Adult Website host]()
Adult Website host
Backups - Having your host do backups is convienent, consider thogh whose backing them up?
Hosting Uptime
![Hosting Uptime Pornsite host]()
Pornsite host
Uptime - This is not only a Google ranking factor, too much downtime will kill your subscription buisiness
Hosting Speed
![Hosting Speed Adult Content host]()
Adult Content host
Website Speed - Important for alot of reasons, SEO being among them but obviously faster speeds means happier customers
Hosting Apps
![Hosting Apps Adult Website host]()
Adult Website host
Pre-Installed Apps - Some hosts have prebuilt systems for the CMS of you choice and your use case
What is DNS
![What is DNS Pornsite host]()
Pornsite host
Domain Names - If you plan to host lots of domains, a host with Domain Registration is nice to have
Website Tools
![Website Tools Adult Content host]()
Adult Content host
Website Builder - Some hosts have lots of tools for website building these may be helpful or a pain
Allowed Content
![Allowed Content Adult Content host]()
Adult Content host
Traditional web hosting providers often want to avoid controversial subjects such as sex, gambling, drugs, or extreme politics. Dealing with this issue is simply a matter of the extra cost of managing these accounts. So even if your adult content is 100% legal, you may not be able to host with some of the mainstream hosts. You may want to have a legal mind to look at the contract if you are unsure. The last thing both you and your hosting provider want is a misunderstanding about their terms of service. Study the Terms and conditions and take special consideration of what types of visual content is allowed on their network and either consider another provider or make sure you're well within the compliance window. Typically if you follow their rules you will also be within your local jurisdiction’s legal rules. However, always consult with your attorney.
Defending Threats
![Defending Threats Adult Website host security concerns]()
Adult Website host servers security issues
There are also different service levels for website hosting, ranging from more DIY providers to full-service managed hosting. If you’re comfortable with the nuts and bolts of hosting. If you consider yourself a webmaster, then at a bare minimum you should have familiarity with the command line interface on your host machine. If the thought of a command prompt gives you shudders, make sure you have a competent one on the ready for issues. Hosting is simple, till there's an issue. A webmaster will understand the steps needed for backup policy and how to spot and troubleshoot hardware and software issues in a timely manner. If you think you have the skills to be a webmaster then you don’t need managed hosting.
Besides management and reliability of the site speed is key. No one wants to be streaming adult videos that keep pausing. So you’ll want to find a website host that has low latency, which is the amount of delay on a network or connection.
- Uptimerobot
- Google Webmaster Tools
- Google Analytics
- Bing Webmaster Tools